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Marketing Yourself

No, the title is not a trick.

This semester, I am a part of a content marketing internship/independent study under the supervision of my professor, Dr. Kopacz. Our job for the semester is to concoct and implement a content marketing strategy for the Communication Studies Department’s website at our university, West Chester University of Pennsylvania. The best part of this entire experience is that I once was their target audience, which makes creating content so much easier.

The current website for Communication Studies is strictly diffusion strategy without a clear target audience. There is not much room for those in the department to react or partake in any conversation, which does not reflect the nature of the Communication Studies Department. I am proud to be a Communication Studies student because I feel so comfortable around my peers. I know my professors and Department Chair on a deeper level than just face value. My classmates support and help guide each other to success. A program so strong and unique in nature deserves a site, which reflects just that.

The soon-to-be new and improved Communication Studies’ website will help current students in the program connect with those in the department, while also giving advice like how to navigate the programs and offerings in the most efficient way. It is difficult as a student in a broad program with no real direction of where you see yourself going in the future, sometimes all you need is a little support and guidance. My goal in creating and executing the content marketing strategy is to acknowledge the struggles I once faced and to highlight the positive experiences available in the department. Ultimately, we can make a difference for those in the position we were once in.

So, what exactly will make this site stand out from all the rest? Aside from an awesome new layout that screams modern, we will open up the conversation about hybrid courses, events, and scheduling issues. We will clearly outline a direct course and co-curricular plan for your industry of choice. We will designate a tab specifically for internship opportunities and allow students to rate them based on experience. If you are new to the program, we will have peer and professor highlights to get to know those around you better. So far, this sounds like a lot, but it is just the beginning. The road to success does not have to be lonely or confusing, especially in the West Chester Communication Studies program. I know. I was there.

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